Corporate Identity
Corporate Identity is the mirror image of a company.

This is something we are very well aware of at Polycom and so we’ve addressed very seriously and carefully the project of renewing our corporate identity all with the goal of rejuvenating the company’s visual identity in accordance with its adopted vision and mission statement.

Basic elements

celostne grafične podobe podjetja Polycom Škofja Loka d.o.o. so:

a) image symbol,
b) word symbol,
c) standard colour, typographic style and the so-called
e) “fifth element”.

All of these elements and their guidelines are laid down in the CDF reference manual.

Excerpt from reference manual:

The standard colour is light green in the following colour shades:

a) CMYK = C29,M0,Y100,K0;
b) RGB = R193, G216, B47;
c) #c1d82f;
č) Pantone 382

The colours may not be altered or corrected. Only the colour versions available on this web site are permitted.


This site lets you download the logo in basic version for use in print (pdf) or electronic media (jpg) and for use in various printing techniques (multi-colour, monochrome, black and white).

Logo in pdf format, positive, in colour shade CMYK, for reproduction in print media.

Logo in pdf format, positive on white background, in colour shade CMYK, for reproduction in print media.

Logo in pdf format, positive on green background, in colour shade Pantone, for reproduction in print media.

Logo in pdf format, positive on white background, in colour shade Pantone, for reproduction in print media.

Logo in jpg format, positive, in colour shade RGB, resolution 300 dpi, for reproduction in electronic media.

Logo in jpg format, negative, in colour shade RGB, resolution 300 dpi, for reproduction in electronic media.

Logo in pdf format, positive, monochrome in green colour, Pantone 382, for reproduction in monochrome print and other types of printing (pad, etc.)

Logo in pdf format, positive, black/white, for reproduction in monochrome print and other types of printing (pad, etc.)

Logo in jpg format, positive, black/white, for reproduction in monochrome print and other types of printing (pad, etc.)

Contact us

We have been collaborating with numerous industrial companies for several years, with some of them for over 20 years. All our customers are treated like partners and we always aim at a long-term cooperation.